







Paper Submission

09. Heat and Mass Transfer

Investigation of the effect of surfactant and applied voltage on the degree of supercooling in the anionic pH range

The authors aimed to actively control the degree of supercooling by adsorption of surfactant molecules on the interface, and found that the average degree of supercooling can be actively controlled by the concentration of surfactant in a coexisting system of gas-liquid and solid-liquid interfaces. In this study, we used a SUS304 container and lauryl dimethylaminoacetic acid as an amphoteric surfactant, and measured the change in the mean degree of supercooling with concentration change around the critical micelle concentration (C.M.C.) in the anionic pH range. This revealed a relationship between the surfactant concentration and the degree of supercooling under the conditions of this experiment. In addition, the relationship between the polarity of the hydrophilic groups of the surfactant molecules and the applied voltage was also clarified by applying a voltage to the experimental vessel.

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Author Information

Jumpei Takeuchi
Corresponding author, Presenting author
Koki Ito
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Yohei Makino
Corresponding author
Koji Matsumoto
Corresponding author