







Paper Submission

05. Micro- and Nano-Scale Transport, MEMS

Molecular dynamics study on the effects of cuboid nanostructure on the distribution of local thermal resistance at a solid-liquid interface

Recent studies have revealed that the thermal resistance at a solid-liquid interface is an important factor influencing thermal transport characteristics at the nanoscale. It is also well known that the wettability of the solid surface has a significant influence on adsorption of liquid molecules on the solid, which leads to specific characteristics of thermal transport at a solid-liquid interface. Nevertheless, it is difficult to figure the thermal transport properties around the solid-liquid interface at nanoscale. In order to overcome the limit of experimental approach, the molecular dynamics method is applied to reveal the mechanism of local thermal transfer at nanometer scales. In the present study, the distribution of local solid-liquid interfacial thermal resistances (ITRs) was investigated numerically. In the calculation system, liquid region of Ar molecules is sandwiched between solid walls of Pt atoms. To observe the effects of surface characteristics on ITRs, a cuboid nanostructure is constructed on the bottom solid wall. To observe the influence of the size of the cuboid nanostructure, we employed various cuboid nanostructures of different sizes. As the calculation parameter, different interaction strengths between solid atoms and liquid molecules were employed to alter the adsorption state of liquid molecules around the nanostructure. In present study, we show the relationship between the overall ITR and the combined interfacial thermal resistance calculated from the local ITRs. The results showed that the overall ITR agreed with the combined ITR when the interaction strength is not extremely strong and the nanostructure has a sufficiently large size relative to a single liquid molecule. In addition, we showed that the local ITRs increased at the bottom corners, while they increased at the upper corners. These results indicate that the ITRs can be manipulated by altering the size of the cuboid nanostructure and the adsorption structure of the solid surface.

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Author Information

Takuto Omori
Corresponding author, Presenting author
Kunio Fujiwara
Masahiko Shibahara