Paper Submission
04. Boiling and Multi-Phase Flow
Numerical simulation of nucleate pool boiling under high heat flux conditions using an diffuse interface model
Boiling is an efficient means of heat transport with high latent heat owing to phase change and is widely applied in heat exchangers for thermal and nuclear power generation, boilers, and air conditioning systems. In recent years, the heat fluxes generated by the cooling of high-performance electronic devices such as CPUs and high-power devices such as motors for electric vehicles have been dramatically increasing, and accurate prediction of boiling heat transfer is required. However, it is difficult to accurately predict the heat transfer owing to the complex phenomena of heating surface properties and interference between bubbles, and a highly accurate prediction method is desired. Therefore, a highly accurate prediction method is required. In the case of nucleate boiling, it is known that a micro liquid film (microlayer) exists between the heat transfer surface and the bubbles formed on the heat transfer surface, which affects the heat transfer performance. The role of the microlayers in heat transfer increases, particularly under high heat flux conditions. Therefore, it is important to develop a model that can appropriately handle both low and high heat flux conditions and has the potential to follow changes in wall properties. We modified the microlayer model proposed by Son et al. (1999) and developed a computational scheme that incorporates it into a diffuse interface model with a phase change. By adjusting the boundary conditions of this microlayer model, we demonstrate that the proposed method is capable of calculating reasonable nucleate boiling under high heat flux conditions.
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Author Information
Kazuki Sumida
Presenting author
Koichi Tsujimoto
Corresponding author
Toshitake Ando
Mamoru Takahashi