







Paper Submission

04. Boiling and Multi-Phase Flow

Numerical simulations of drop breakup in a strong linear shear flow induced by a driven top wall and a stationary bottom wall

Drop breakup processes in immiscible viscous liquids undergoing a simple, strong linear shear flow, are computationally examined using a coupled level set/volume-of-fluid (CLSVOF) method. Simple linear shear flows in this study are established using a regular hexahedral computational domain with a driven top wall (+V) and a stationary bottom wall. In a previous study by the authors, the critical Reynolds (Re) number at which drop breakup first occurs was determined for several capillary (Ca) numbers. In this study, the authors focus on the breakup process of a drop under the condition of a significantly larger Re number than the critical Re number for Ca ≤ 1.0. In larger Re number conditions, the drop significantly elongates, and both ends of the drop become bulb-shaped, leading to daughter droplets. A thread shaped bridge forms between the mother drop and the daughter droplet(s), and the thread shaped bridge becomes noticeably stretched as time proceeds. Finally, the daughter drops break off from the thread shaped bridge. One remarkable feature is that the daughter drop(s) at the bottom-wall side begin to break up earlier than the daughter drop(s) at the driven top-wall side. The computed behavior is quite different from the drop breakup process in simple, strong linear shear flows with both a driven top wall (+V) and a driven bottom wall (-V).

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Author Information

Fan Yuhang
Presenting author
Mitsuhiro Ohta
Corresponding author
Edwin Jimenez
Mark Sussman