







Paper Submission

03. Electronics Packaging and Thermal Management

Thermal performance of triply periodic minimal surface lattice structures in single-phase dielectric fluid cooling of power electronics

Additive manufacturing has transformed microsystems thermal management by enabling the production of complex, optimized geometries that conventional manufacturing methods cannot achieve. This study investigates the heat transfer performance of an additively manufactured gyroid triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) lattice structure. Numerical simulation results revealed the thermal performance characteristics of TPMS lattice structures with different porosities and unit cell lengths. An experimental test setup is produced with a parallel flow arrangement through the TPMS structure using PEEK material and a three-dimensional (3D) printed 316L stainless steel TPMS. TPMS structure has a 10 mm x 10 mm size and 4 mm height with a porosity of 0.5 and a unit cell length of 1.6 mm. Inlet velocities varied between 0.01 m/s and 0.1 m/s, with a 50 W/cm2 heat load applied from the top. An AmpCool-100 dielectric fluid was used as the coolant. Experiments were conducted to validate the numerical modeling results. Different unit cell sizes and porosities were investigated after the validation of the numerical model. Porosities ranged between 0.5 and 0.8, and unit cell length varied between 1.6 and 3 mm. Results showed an increase of about 15% in thermal performance for parallel flow through the TPMS structure compared to jet impingement on a microfinned structure with the exact dimensions. Numerical results are then analyzed in detail to show the physics behind the enhancement of thermal performance achieved by the novel TPMS lattice structures. Flow mixing inside the TPMS structure, high specific surface area, and high effective thermal conductivity are reported to be the main factors underlying the heat transfer enhancement.

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Author Information

Ubade Kemerli
Corresponding author
Gilbert Moreno
Rajneesh Chaudhary
Sreekant Narumanchi
Yogendra Joshi
Presenting author